123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671 |
- /*
- 数据库更新的sql语句跟随git进行提交。
- 每次git更新之后,请务必仔细留意并阅读数据库更新脚本文档sqlManageUpdate.md
- */
- /*
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- @author andy.wu
- -- @description 公共备注表(ahrs_public_notes)新增文件路径字段(attachment)
- -- @time 2023.2.20 16:07
- -- @IndexNumber serial_1 对应sql文档的序号
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- alter table ahrs_public_notes
- add attachment varchar(255) comment '附件路径';
- */
- /*
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- @author linian
- -- @description 修改招聘的学历、学位字典排序
- -- @time 2023.2.22 10:02
- -- @IndexNumber serial_2
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- UPDATE sys_dict_data SET dict_sort = '1' WHERE dict_type = 'recruit_education' AND dict_value = '5';
- UPDATE sys_dict_data SET dict_sort = '2' WHERE dict_type = 'recruit_education' AND dict_value = '4';
- UPDATE sys_dict_data SET dict_sort = '3' WHERE dict_type = 'recruit_education' AND dict_value = '3';
- UPDATE sys_dict_data SET dict_sort = '4' WHERE dict_type = 'recruit_education' AND dict_value = '2';
- UPDATE sys_dict_data SET dict_sort = '5' WHERE dict_type = 'recruit_education' AND dict_value = '1';
- UPDATE sys_dict_data SET dict_sort = '6' WHERE dict_type = 'recruit_education' AND dict_value = '6';
- UPDATE sys_dict_data SET dict_sort = '7' WHERE dict_type = 'recruit_education' AND dict_value = '7';
- UPDATE sys_dict_data SET dict_sort = '0' WHERE dict_type = 'recruit_degree' AND dict_value = '5';
- UPDATE sys_dict_data SET dict_sort = '1' WHERE dict_type = 'recruit_degree' AND dict_value = '4';
- UPDATE sys_dict_data SET dict_sort = '2' WHERE dict_type = 'recruit_degree' AND dict_value = '3';
- UPDATE sys_dict_data SET dict_sort = '3' WHERE dict_type = 'recruit_degree' AND dict_value = '2';
- UPDATE sys_dict_data SET dict_sort = '4' WHERE dict_type = 'recruit_degree' AND dict_value = '1';
- UPDATE sys_dict_data SET dict_sort = '5' WHERE dict_type = 'recruit_degree' AND dict_value = '0';
- */
- /*
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- @author andy.wu
- -- @description 调动信息表(ahrs_post_transfer),新增人事综合管理部门意见(rszhgl_dept_comment),新增调出单位意见(export_dept_comment)字段
- -- @time 2023.2.24 16:07
- -- @IndexNumber serial_3
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- alter table ahrs_post_transfer
- add rszhgl_dept_comment varchar(255) comment '人事综合管理部门意见';
- alter table ahrs_post_transfer
- add export_dept_comment varchar(255) comment '调出单位意见';
- /*
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- @author andy.wu
- -- @description 创建消息通知表(sys_message_notice) 用于消息通知模块
- -- @time 2023.2.28 16:20
- -- @IndexNumber serial_4
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- create table sys_message_notice
- (
- message_id bigint auto_increment comment '消息id'
- primary key,
- message_content varchar(255) null comment '消息内容',
- message_execution_time datetime null comment '执行时间',
- create_by varchar(255) default 'admin' null comment '创建人',
- status char(2) default '0' null comment '状态(0正常,1作废)'
- )
- comment '消息通知表';
- /*
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- @author andy.wu
- -- @description 新增定时任务 ,每半小时查询一次数据库更新redis的消息有序列表 (已作废)
- -- @time 2023.3.5 12:34
- -- @IndexNumber serial_5
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- # INSERT INTO `sys_job`(`job_name`, `job_group`, `invoke_target`, `cron_expression`, `misfire_policy`, `concurrent`, `status`, `create_by`, `create_time`, `update_by`, `update_time`, `remark`) VALUES ( '定时查询消息更新数据库', 'DEFAULT', 'MessageForRedisTask.messageForRedisTask()', '0 0/30 * * * ?', '3', '1', '0', 'admin', '2023-03-01 15:51:56', '', '2023-03-01 15:55:36', '');
- /*
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- @author linian
- -- @description 将角色名称中代理改为辅助
- -- @time 2023.3.9 10:22
- -- @IndexNumber serial_6
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- update sys_role set role_name = '人事综合管理部门终审领导辅助' where role_key = 'manageOperatorAgent';
- update sys_role set role_name = '人事综合管理部门初审领导辅助' where role_key = 'managePriLeaderAgent';
- update sys_role set role_name = '人事综合管理部门操作员辅助' where role_key = 'manageHigLeaderAgent';
- /*
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- @author linian
- -- @description 人员状态中主管部门取消,统一改为 事业单位到事业单位交流
- -- @time 2023.3.9 10:22
- -- @IndexNumber serial_7
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- UPDATE sys_dict_data SET dict_label = '事业单位到事业单位交流' WHERE dict_type = 'per_status' AND dict_value = '2301';
- UPDATE sys_dict_data SET status = '1' WHERE dict_type = 'per_status' AND dict_value = '2304';
- /*
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- @author andy.wu
- -- @description 消息表新增执行结束时间 message_end_time,删除定时刷新redis的任务
- -- @time 2023.3.10 9:26
- -- @IndexNumber serial_8
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- alter table sys_message_notice add message_end_time datetime comment '执行结束时间';
- delete from sys_job where job_name='定时查询消息更新数据库';
- /*
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- @author linian
- -- @description 创建短信记录表,用于记录保存每一次的短信内容
- -- @time 2023.3.16 10:22
- -- @IndexNumber serial_9
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- create table sys_msg_record
- (
- id varchar(36) not null comment '短信记录id'
- primary key,
- tel varchar(16) null comment '发送号码',
- msg varchar(2048) null comment '短信内容',
- send_result varchar(128) null comment '发送返回结果',
- send_time datetime not null comment '发送时间',
- sender varchar(32) null comment '发送人',
- remark varchar(256) null comment '备注',
- version varchar(4) null comment '版本',
- create_by varchar(32) null comment '创建人',
- create_time datetime null comment '创建时间',
- update_by varchar(32) null comment '修改人',
- update_time datetime null comment '修改时间',
- del_flag varchar(2) null comment '删除标识 00 未删除 01 已删除'
- )
- comment '短信记录表';
- /*
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- @author linian
- -- @description 添加短信日志菜单及子菜单
- -- @time 2023.3.16 10:22
- -- @IndexNumber serial_10
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- INSERT INTO sys_menu ( menu_name, parent_id, order_num, url, target, menu_type, visible, perms, icon, create_by, create_time, update_by, update_time, remark) VALUES ( '短信日志', 2053, 6, '/system/msgLog', 'menuItem', 'C', '0', 'system:msgLog:view', '#', 'admin', '2022-11-17 15:25:40', '', null, '');
- INSERT INTO sys_menu ( menu_name, parent_id, order_num, url, target, menu_type, visible, perms, icon, create_by, create_time, update_by, update_time, remark) VALUES ( '日志查询', 2306, 1, '#', 'menuItem', 'F', '', 'system:msgLog:list', '#', 'admin', '2022-11-17 15:26:08', 'admin', '2022-11-17 15:26:39', '');
- /*
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- @author wengchengjian
- -- @description 将人员表的人员状态是不同主管单位间调用的改成单位间调动
- -- @time 2023.3.17 9:13 serial_11
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- UPDATE ahrs_personnel SET personnel_status = '2301' WHERE personnel_status = '2304'
- /*
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- @author linian
- -- @description 处分表添加处分截止时间
- -- @time 2023.3.17 10:06
- -- @IndexNumber serial_12
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- alter table ahrs_disposition
- add approval_end_time datetime null comment '处分截止时间' after approval_time;
- /*
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- @author linian
- -- @description 修改添加处分字典值
- -- @time 2023.3.17 14:26
- -- @IndexNumber serial_13
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- -- 先删除原有的字典值
- delete from sys_dict_data where dict_type = 'dis_kind';
- -- 再添加新的字典值
- INSERT INTO sys_dict_data (dict_sort, dict_label, dict_value, dict_parent_value, dict_type, css_class, list_class, is_default, status, create_by, create_time, update_by, update_time, remark, ancestors) VALUES ( 1, '党的纪律处分', '1', null, 'dis_kind', null, null, 'N', '0', '', '2023-03-15 15:30:03', '', '2023-03-17 10:44:23', null, '');
- INSERT INTO sys_dict_data (dict_sort, dict_label, dict_value, dict_parent_value, dict_type, css_class, list_class, is_default, status, create_by, create_time, update_by, update_time, remark, ancestors) VALUES ( 1, '党内警告', '101', '1', 'dis_kind', null, null, 'N', '0', '', '2023-03-15 15:36:02', '', '2023-03-17 10:44:27', null, '');
- INSERT INTO sys_dict_data (dict_sort, dict_label, dict_value, dict_parent_value, dict_type, css_class, list_class, is_default, status, create_by, create_time, update_by, update_time, remark, ancestors) VALUES ( 2, '党内严重警告', '102', '1', 'dis_kind', null, null, 'N', '0', '', '2023-03-15 15:36:19', '', '2023-03-17 10:44:30', null, '');
- INSERT INTO sys_dict_data (dict_sort, dict_label, dict_value, dict_parent_value, dict_type, css_class, list_class, is_default, status, create_by, create_time, update_by, update_time, remark, ancestors) VALUES ( 3, '撤销党内职务', '103', '1', 'dis_kind', null, null, 'N', '0', '', '2023-03-15 15:36:37', '', '2023-03-17 10:44:33', null, '');
- INSERT INTO sys_dict_data (dict_sort, dict_label, dict_value, dict_parent_value, dict_type, css_class, list_class, is_default, status, create_by, create_time, update_by, update_time, remark, ancestors) VALUES ( 4, '留党察看', '104', '1', 'dis_kind', null, null, 'N', '0', '', '2023-03-15 15:36:59', '', '2023-03-17 10:44:41', null, '');
- INSERT INTO sys_dict_data (dict_sort, dict_label, dict_value, dict_parent_value, dict_type, css_class, list_class, is_default, status, create_by, create_time, update_by, update_time, remark, ancestors) VALUES ( 5, '开除党籍', '105', '1', 'dis_kind', null, null, 'N', '0', '', '2023-03-15 15:37:37', '', '2023-03-17 10:44:47', null, '');
- INSERT INTO sys_dict_data (dict_sort, dict_label, dict_value, dict_parent_value, dict_type, css_class, list_class, is_default, status, create_by, create_time, update_by, update_time, remark, ancestors) VALUES ( 2, '政务处分', '2', null, 'dis_kind', null, null, 'N', '0', '', '2023-03-15 15:31:43', '', '2023-03-17 10:44:50', null, '');
- INSERT INTO sys_dict_data (dict_sort, dict_label, dict_value, dict_parent_value, dict_type, css_class, list_class, is_default, status, create_by, create_time, update_by, update_time, remark, ancestors) VALUES (1, '警告', '201', '2', 'dis_kind', '', '', 'N', '0', '', '2020-04-08 19:19:37', '', '2023-03-17 10:47:07', null, '');
- INSERT INTO sys_dict_data (dict_sort, dict_label, dict_value, dict_parent_value, dict_type, css_class, list_class, is_default, status, create_by, create_time, update_by, update_time, remark, ancestors) VALUES ( 2, '记过', '202', '2', 'dis_kind', null, null, 'N', '0', '', '2023-03-15 15:33:12', '', '2023-03-17 10:47:12', null, '');
- INSERT INTO sys_dict_data (dict_sort, dict_label, dict_value, dict_parent_value, dict_type, css_class, list_class, is_default, status, create_by, create_time, update_by, update_time, remark, ancestors) VALUES ( 3, '记大过', '203', '2', 'dis_kind', null, null, 'N', '0', '', '2023-03-15 15:35:21', '', '2023-03-17 10:47:27', null, '');
- INSERT INTO sys_dict_data (dict_sort, dict_label, dict_value, dict_parent_value, dict_type, css_class, list_class, is_default, status, create_by, create_time, update_by, update_time, remark, ancestors) VALUES ( 4, '降低岗位等级', '204', '2', 'dis_kind', null, null, 'N', '0', '', '2023-03-15 15:33:44', '', '2023-03-17 10:47:52', null, '');
- INSERT INTO sys_dict_data (dict_sort, dict_label, dict_value, dict_parent_value, dict_type, css_class, list_class, is_default, status, create_by, create_time, update_by, update_time, remark, ancestors) VALUES ( 5, '撤职', '205', '2', 'dis_kind', null, null, 'N', '0', '', '2023-03-15 15:35:34', '', '2023-03-17 10:52:10', null, '');
- INSERT INTO sys_dict_data (dict_sort, dict_label, dict_value, dict_parent_value, dict_type, css_class, list_class, is_default, status, create_by, create_time, update_by, update_time, remark, ancestors) VALUES ( 6, '开除', '206', '2', 'dis_kind', null, null, 'N', '0', '', '2023-03-15 15:34:54', '', '2023-03-17 10:52:17', null, '');
- -- 将处分表中的原有字典值变更
- update ahrs_disposition set disposition_kind = '201' where disposition_kind = '01';
- update ahrs_disposition set disposition_kind = '202' where disposition_kind = '02';
- update ahrs_disposition set disposition_kind = '204' where disposition_kind = '03';
- update ahrs_disposition set disposition_kind = '206' where disposition_kind = '0104';
- /*
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- @author linian
- -- @description 添加系统更新日志菜单及子菜单
- -- @time 2023.3.17 16:37
- -- @IndexNumber serial_14
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- /*
- *先执行第一句然后把第一句的ID放在后面四句的上级菜单ID
- */
- INSERT INTO sys_menu ( menu_name, parent_id, order_num, url, target, menu_type, visible, perms, icon, create_by, create_time, update_by, update_time, remark) VALUES ( '系统更新日志', 2053, 5, '/ahrs/sysLog', 'menuItem', 'C', '0', 'ahrs:sysLog:view', '#', 'admin', '2022-11-07 16:58:16', '', null, '');
- select * from sys_menu where menu_name='系统更新日志';
- INSERT INTO sys_menu ( menu_name, parent_id, order_num, url, target, menu_type, visible, perms, icon, create_by, create_time, update_by, update_time, remark) VALUES ( '日志查询', 2310, 1, '#', 'menuItem', 'F', '', 'ahrs:sysLog:list', '#', 'admin', '2022-11-07 16:59:13', '', null, '');
- INSERT INTO sys_menu ( menu_name, parent_id, order_num, url, target, menu_type, visible, perms, icon, create_by, create_time, update_by, update_time, remark) VALUES ( '日志新增', 2310, 2, '#', 'menuItem', 'F', '', 'ahrs:sysLog:add', '#', 'admin', '2022-11-07 16:59:53', '', null, '');
- INSERT INTO sys_menu ( menu_name, parent_id, order_num, url, target, menu_type, visible, perms, icon, create_by, create_time, update_by, update_time, remark) VALUES ( '日志删除', 2310, 3, '#', 'menuItem', 'F', '', 'ahrs:sysLog:remove', '#', 'admin', '2022-11-07 17:00:46', '', null, '');
- INSERT INTO sys_menu ( menu_name, parent_id, order_num, url, target, menu_type, visible, perms, icon, create_by, create_time, update_by, update_time, remark) VALUES ( '日志修改', 2310, 4, '#', 'menuItem', 'F', '', 'ahrs:userRole:edit', '#', 'admin', '2022-11-07 17:01:08', '', null, '');
- /*
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- @author linian
- -- @description 创建系统更新日志表,用于保存系统更新日志的内容
- -- @time 2023.3.17 16:37
- -- @IndexNumber serial_15
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- create table sys_log
- (
- log_id varchar(32) not null
- primary key,
- log_code varchar(32) not null comment '日志编码',
- log_title varchar(512) null comment '日志标题',
- log_content blob not null comment '日志内容',
- create_time datetime not null comment '创建时间',
- creater varchar(32) null comment '创建人',
- update_time datetime not null comment '更新时间',
- updater varchar(32) null comment '更新人员',
- delete_flag varchar(2) not null DEFAULT '00' comment '删除标识 00未删除 01已删除'
- )
- comment '系统日志';
- /*
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- @author andy.wu
- -- @description 消息表新增删除标志 del_flag
- -- @time 2023.3.17 16:51
- -- @IndexNumber serial_16
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- alter table sys_message_notice add del_flag char(2) DEFAULT '0' comment '删除标志'
- /*
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- @author linian
- -- @description 招聘计划变动和招聘计划子表添加年龄条件字段,用于灵活判断招聘人员年龄是否超标
- -- @time 2023.3.23 09:28
- -- @IndexNumber serial_17
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- alter table ahrs_recruit_plan_change
- add age_condition varchar(16) null comment '年龄条件' after age;
- alter table ahrs_recruit_plan_child
- add age_condition varchar(16) null comment '年龄条件' after age;
- /*
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- @author ding
- -- @description 新增人员备注表
- -- @time 2023.3.23 09:35
- -- @IndexNumber serial_18
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- CREATE TABLE `ahrs_personnel_remark` (
- `remark_dept_id` int NULL COMMENT '被备注单位id',
- `remark_dept_name` varchar(255) NULL COMMENT '被备注单位名称',
- `remark_idcard` varchar(255) NULL COMMENT '被备注的人',
- `remark_name` varchar(255) NULL COMMENT '被备注人名',
- `user_name` varchar(255) NULL COMMENT '备注人',
- `dept_name` varchar(255) NULL COMMENT '备注单位名称',
- `dept_id` int NULL COMMENT '备注单位id',
- `title` varchar(500) NULL COMMENT '备注内容',
- `attachment` varchar(255) NULL COMMENT '附件',
- `del_flag` varchar(255) NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '是否删除',
- `create_by` varchar(255) NULL COMMENT '创建人',
- `create_time` datetime NULL COMMENT '创建时间',
- `update_by` varchar(255) NULL COMMENT '修改人',
- `update_time` datetime NULL COMMENT '修改时间',
- PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
- ) COMMENT = '人员备注表';
- /*
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- @author ding
- -- @description 人员备注菜单添加和权限配置
- -- @time 2023.3.23 09:35
- -- @IndexNumber serial_19
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- INSERT INTO `sys_menu` (`menu_id`, `menu_name`, `parent_id`, `order_num`, `url`, `target`, `menu_type`, `visible`, `perms`, `icon`, `create_by`, `create_time`, `update_by`, `update_time`, `remark`) VALUES (2310, '人员备注控制', 2308, 2, '#', 'menuItem', 'F', '', 'ahrs:personnleRemark:viewTwo', '#', 'admin', '2023-03-24 10:46:31', 'admin', '2023-03-24 10:48:47', '');
- INSERT INTO `sys_menu` (`menu_id`, `menu_name`, `parent_id`, `order_num`, `url`, `target`, `menu_type`, `visible`, `perms`, `icon`, `create_by`, `create_time`, `update_by`, `update_time`, `remark`) VALUES (2309, '人员备注新增', 2308, 0, '#', 'menuItem', 'F', '', 'ahrs:personnleRemark:add', '#', 'admin', '2023-03-23 13:51:43', '', NULL, '');
- INSERT INTO `sys_menu` (`menu_id`, `menu_name`, `parent_id`, `order_num`, `url`, `target`, `menu_type`, `visible`, `perms`, `icon`, `create_by`, `create_time`, `update_by`, `update_time`, `remark`) VALUES (2308, '人员备注', 2077, 1, '#', 'menuItem', 'C', '', 'ahrs:personnleRemark:view', '#', 'admin', '2023-03-23 09:45:00', 'admin', '2023-03-23 10:18:45', '');
- /*操作员权限配置*/
- INSERT INTO `sys_role_menu` (`role_id`, `menu_id`) VALUES (104, 2308);
- INSERT INTO `sys_role_menu` (`role_id`, `menu_id`) VALUES (104, 2309);
- INSERT INTO `sys_role_menu` (`role_id`, `menu_id`) VALUES (104, 2310);
- /*初审权限配置*/
- INSERT INTO `sys_role_menu` (`role_id`, `menu_id`) VALUES (105, 2308);
- INSERT INTO `sys_role_menu` (`role_id`, `menu_id`) VALUES (105, 2309);
- INSERT INTO `sys_role_menu` (`role_id`, `menu_id`) VALUES (105, 2310);
- /*终审权限配置*/
- INSERT INTO `sys_role_menu` (`role_id`, `menu_id`) VALUES (106, 2308);
- INSERT INTO `sys_role_menu` (`role_id`, `menu_id`) VALUES (106, 2309);
- INSERT INTO `sys_role_menu` (`role_id`, `menu_id`) VALUES (106, 2310);
- /*
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- @author wengchengjian
- -- @description 岗位变更表增加'确认函中修改后的备注'字段
- -- @time 2023.3.24 17:00
- -- @IndexNumber serial_20
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- ALTER TABLE `ahrs_post_change`
- ADD COLUMN `confirmation_note` varchar(1000) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '确认函中修改后的备注' AFTER `org_staff_grades`;
- /*
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- @author wengchengjian
- -- @description 人员备注 显示已删除记录按钮 和 删除按钮 菜单添加 和 权限控制(仅操作员有这俩个权限)
- -- @time 2023.3.24 17:00
- -- @IndexNumber serial_20
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- INSERT INTO `sys_menu` (`menu_id`, `menu_name`, `parent_id`, `order_num`, `url`, `target`, `menu_type`, `visible`, `perms`, `icon`, `create_by`, `create_time`, `update_by`, `update_time`, `remark`) VALUES (2312, '显示全部记录(包括删除)', 2308, 4, '#', 'menuItem', 'F', '', 'ahrs:personnleRemark:all', '#', 'admin', '2023-03-29 10:29:04', '', NULL, '');
- INSERT INTO `sys_menu` (`menu_id`, `menu_name`, `parent_id`, `order_num`, `url`, `target`, `menu_type`, `visible`, `perms`, `icon`, `create_by`, `create_time`, `update_by`, `update_time`, `remark`) VALUES (2311, '人员备注删除', 2308, 3, '#', 'menuItem', 'F', '', 'ahrs:personnleRemark:remove', '#', 'admin', '2023-03-29 10:09:01', '', NULL, '');
- INSERT INTO `sys_role_menu` (`role_id`, `menu_id`) VALUES (104, 2311);
- INSERT INTO `sys_role_menu` (`role_id`, `menu_id`) VALUES (104, 2312);
- /*
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- @author andi.wu
- -- @description 用户表新增人员附件字段attachment
- -- @time 2023.03.30
- -- @IndexNumber serial_21
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- alter table sys_user
- add attachment varchar(255) default '' comment '用户附件' after remark;
- /*
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- @author andi.wu
- -- @description 用户信息修改记录表新增附件字段
- -- @time 2023.03.30
- -- @IndexNumber serial_22
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- alter table sys_user_change_log
- add attachment varchar(255) default '' comment '用户附件' after remark;
- /*
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- @author linian
- -- @description 备注,字数不足200的放大到200字
- -- @time 2023.4.12
- -- @IndexNumber serial_23
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- alter table ahrs_recruit_plan_child modify remark varchar(1024) null comment '备注';
- alter table ahrs_post_transfer modify remark varchar(1024) default '' null comment '备注';
- alter table ahrs_recruit_plan_change modify remark varchar(1024) null comment '备注';
- alter table ahrs_review_apply modify remark varchar(1024) default '' null comment '备注';
- alter table ahrs_review_main modify remark varchar(1024) null comment '备注';
- alter table ahrs_review_personnel modify remark varchar(1024) default '' null comment '备注';
- alter table ahrs_second_post_change modify remark varchar(1024) null comment '备注';
- alter table ahrs_second_post_lsb modify remark varchar(1024) default '' null comment '备注';
- alter table sys_dict_data modify remark varchar(1024) null comment '备注';
- /*
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- @author wengchengjian
- -- @description 修改用户表的初始化审批权限
- -- @time 2023.04.12
- -- @IndexNumber serial_24
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- UPDATE sys_user SET initialize = '' WHERE initialize IS NULL;
- /*
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- @author ding
- -- @description 岗位变动排序字段默认值设置为0 处理原本为null的数据
- -- @time 2023.4.12
- -- @IndexNumber serial_25
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- ALTER TABLE `ahrs_post_change` MODIFY COLUMN `sort` varchar(50) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '排序' AFTER `user_status`;
- ALTER TABLE `ahrs_personnel_change` MODIFY COLUMN `sort` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '排序' AFTER `name`;
- UPDATE ahrs_personnel_change set sort = 0 WHERE sort is NULL or sort = '';
- UPDATE ahrs_post_change set sort = 0 WHERE sort is NULL or sort = '';
- /*
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- @author andi.wu
- -- @description 所有事业单位初始化状态关闭
- -- @time 2023.4.18
- -- @IndexNumber serial_26
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- update sys_dept set initialized_permissions='0' where dept_category='3';
- /*
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- @author andi.wu
- -- @description 消息表增加显示位置字段
- -- @time 2023.5.4
- -- @IndexNumber serial_27
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- alter table sys_message_notice
- add type_flag char(2) default '0' comment '显示标志(目前支持在首页和登录页显示)';
- /*
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- @author andi.wu
- -- @description 文件排序字段设置为int类型
- -- @time 2023.5.12
- -- @IndexNumber serial_28
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- alter table ahrs_file
- modify sort int(11) null comment '排序字段';
- /*
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- @author andi.wu
- -- @description 用户表附件字段为null的都改为''
- -- @time 2023.6.1
- -- @IndexNumber serial_29
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- update sys_user set attachment='' where attachment is null;
- update sys_user_change_log set attachment='' where attachment is null;
- /*
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- @author andi.wu
- -- @description 申报表新增备注字段
- -- @time 2023.6.14
- -- @IndexNumber serial_30
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- alter table ahrs_declaration
- add comment varchar(1000) default '' comment '备注信息';
- /*
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- @author andi.wu
- -- @description 新增用户申请表
- -- @time 2023.6.19
- -- @IndexNumber serial_31
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- create table ahrs_user_apply
- (
- apply_id bigint auto_increment comment '申请id'
- primary key,
- apply_dept_id bigint null comment '申请单位id',
- apply_dept_name varchar(255) null comment '申请单位名',
- apply_user_name varchar(255) null comment '申请人姓名',
- user_name varchar(255) null comment '用户名',
- simple_name varchar(255) null comment '用户简称',
- phonenumber varchar(255) null comment '手机号',
- password varchar(255) null comment '密码',
- key1 varchar(255) null comment '密钥',
- idcard varchar(255) null comment '身份证号',
- email varchar(255) null comment '邮箱',
- landline varchar(255) null comment '座机号码',
- apply_target_dept_name varchar(255) null comment '目标单位名',
- attachment varchar(255) null comment '附件',
- remark varchar(255) null comment '备注',
- apply_content char(2) default '0' null comment '申请内容(0新建用户 1启用用户 2作废用户)',
- del_flag char(2) default '0' null comment '删除标志(0未删除 1已删除)',
- apply_time datetime null comment '申请时间',
- apply_status char(2) default '0' null comment '审批情况(0同意 1拒绝 2忽略 )',
- salt varchar(255) null comment '随机盐',
- role_ids bigint null comment '角色id',
- recipient_id bigint null comment '接收人id',
- login_name varchar(255) null comment '登录名',
- apply_target_dept_id bigint null comment '目标单位id',
- status char(2) default '0' null comment '状态',
- user_id bigint null comment '用户id'
- )
- comment '用户申请表' collate = utf8_bin;
- /*
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- @author zeyuan
- -- @description act_hi_comment流程意见表添加 节点是否通过记录
- -- @time 2023.6.27
- -- @IndexNumber serial_32
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- ALTER TABLE `act_hi_comment`
- /*
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- @author andi.wu
- -- @description 用户表增加申请字段
- -- @time 2023.6.28
- -- @IndexNumber serial_33
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- alter table sys_user
- add approve_status char(2) default '1' comment '审批用户标识(0同意 1不同意 默认为1)';
- /*
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- @author andi.wu
- -- @description 文件表新增显示标识字段
- -- @time 2023.8.31
- -- @IndexNumber serial_34
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- alter table ahrs_file
- add show_flag char(2) not null default '0' comment '显示标识(主要用于上级指定文件给下级看)(省级为1,市级为2,默认为0)';
- # 创建两个联合索引
- create index ahrs_file_union_class
- on ahrs_file (classification, dept_id, del_flag, status);
- create index show_del_status_dept_id_
- on ahrs_file (show_flag, del_flag, status, dept_id);
- /*
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- @author andi.wu
- -- @description 新增港澳台字典数据,修改人员表字段foreigner的字节数为3
- -- @time 2023.9.5
- -- @IndexNumber serial_35
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- insert into sys_dict_type( dict_name, dict_type, status, create_by, create_time )
- values( '港澳台同胞类型', 'hongkong_macao_taiwan_type', '0', 'admin', sysdate());
- insert into sys_dict_data ( dict_sort, dict_label, dict_value, dict_type, list_class, is_default, status, create_time )
- values ( 1, '否', '000', 'hongkong_macao_taiwan_type', 'default', 'Y', '0', sysdate() );
- insert into sys_dict_data ( dict_sort, dict_label, dict_value, dict_type, list_class, is_default, status, create_time )
- values ( 2, '港澳居民', '001', 'hongkong_macao_taiwan_type', 'default', 'Y', '0', sysdate() );
- insert into sys_dict_data ( dict_sort, dict_label, dict_value, dict_type, list_class, is_default, status, create_time )
- values ( 3, '台湾同胞', '002', 'hongkong_macao_taiwan_type', 'default', 'Y', '0', sysdate() );
- insert into sys_dict_data ( dict_sort, dict_label, dict_value, dict_type, list_class, is_default, status, create_time )
- values ( 4, '外籍人士', '003', 'hongkong_macao_taiwan_type', 'default', 'Y', '0', sysdate() ) ;
- insert into sys_dict_data ( dict_sort, dict_label, dict_value, dict_type, list_class, is_default, status, create_time )
- values ( 5, '留学归国', '004', 'hongkong_macao_taiwan_type', 'default', 'Y', '0', sysdate() );
- alter table ahrs_personnel
- modify foreigner char(3) default '000' null comment '是否港澳台及外籍人士';
- alter table ahrs_personnel_now
- modify foreigner char(3) default '' null comment '是否港澳台及外籍人士';
- alter table ahrs_personnel_lsb
- modify foreigner char(3) default '' null comment '是否港澳台及外籍人士';
- /*
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- @author andi.wu
- -- @description 人员历史变更表新增操作类型字段
- -- @time 2023.9.11
- -- @IndexNumber serial_36
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- alter table sys_user_change_log
- add operate_type char(2) default '' not null comment '操作类型';
- /*
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- @author andi.wu
- -- @description 岗位变动表状态字段备注修改
- -- @time 2023.11.13
- -- @IndexNumber serial_37
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- alter table ahrs_post_transfer
- modify status varchar(10) default '0' null comment '调动信息状态(0-未提交,1-已提交,2-同意,3-不同意,4-暂置)';
- /*
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- @author wengchengjian
- -- @description 招聘人员的学位字段改成手写的
- -- @time 2023.12.15
- -- @IndexNumber serial_38
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- ALTER TABLE `ahrs_recruit_personnel_lsb`
- MODIFY COLUMN `degree` varchar(200) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '学位' AFTER `education_certificate`;
- ALTER TABLE `ahrs_recruit_personnel_change`
- MODIFY COLUMN `degree` varchar(200) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '学位' AFTER `education_certificate`;
- ALTER TABLE `ahrs_recruit_personnel`
- MODIFY COLUMN `degree` varchar(200) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '学位' AFTER `education_certificate`;
- UPDATE ahrs_recruit_personnel_lsb set degree = CONCAT('{"tree":"',degree,'"}');
- UPDATE ahrs_recruit_personnel_change set degree = CONCAT('{"tree":"',degree,'"}');
- UPDATE ahrs_recruit_personnel set degree = CONCAT('{"tree":"',degree,'"}');
- /*
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- @author wengchengjian
- -- @description 人员的是否港澳台的默认值修改
- -- @time 2024.1.30
- -- @IndexNumber serial_39
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- ALTER TABLE `ahrs_personnel`
- MODIFY COLUMN `foreigner` char(3) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '是否港澳台及外籍人士' AFTER `personnel_status`;
- /*
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- @author wengchengjian
- -- @description 招聘结果修改字典和增加职称字段
- -- @time 2024.2.1
- -- @IndexNumber serial_40
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- ALTER TABLE `ahrs_recruit_personnel_lsb`
- ADD COLUMN `title` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '职称' AFTER `letter`;
- ALTER TABLE `ahrs_recruit_personnel_change`
- ADD COLUMN `title` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '职称' AFTER `back_by`;
- ALTER TABLE `ahrs_recruit_personnel`
- ADD COLUMN `title` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '职称' AFTER `status`;
- INSERT INTO `sys_dict_data`(`dict_sort`, `dict_label`, `dict_value`, `dict_parent_value`, `dict_type`, `css_class`, `list_class`, `is_default`, `status`, `create_by`, `create_time`, `update_by`, `update_time`, `REMARK`, `ancestors`) VALUES (0, '博士研究生', '0', NULL, 'recruit_per_education', NULL, NULL, 'N', '0', '', '2022-10-26 19:31:45', 'admin', '2022-10-26 19:33:48', NULL, '');
- UPDATE sys_dict_data set dict_label = '硕士研究生' WHERE dict_code = 17234;